Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Awake and Anxious

Again, I find myself awake at night. Heavy cheast. Heart pounding. Non stop thinking. 

I think a lot laying in bed. It is like my brain will not stop. I think about any mistake I made today and every mistake i could make tomorrow. 

Tonight I will be surprised if I get an hour of sleep before work tomorrow. 

I learned that yes sick days are needed (for mental health too) but that some days you just need to push through. 

Tonight, this is not a panic attack. It ia a regular worry. If it was a panic attack I would feel much worse. 

This could have been a panic attack. I made a phone call instead. I called my trusted friend to help me through and calm me to this level. The level I can deal with. One, that even though tired, I will be able to go to work with. 

Tomorrow will be a push through day for me. I will be tired. But not exhausted. 

My goal, is to not let my anxiety run me. It is unreal how hard it is. Knowing my friend is a call and if needed a cab ride away is helpful. The little purrs of my cats are helpful. 

I have been doing my best to be positive and use that to knock the anxiety down. It is hard but I am feeling a push forward. 
